Due to Covid-19 and the announcement from our government officials, all church service gatherings will be postponed till a later date.
What is First Fruits?

First-Fruits is an offering dedicated to the Lord before anything or anyone takes or partakes from it. It’s basically giving our best to God in the beginning. By doing a First Fruits Fast, we are rendering the first part of the year to the Lord, before we live out our lives for the rest of the year.

What is Fasting?

Fasting is most commonly the giving up of food for a duration of time. Because we are Christians, this type of fasting is not done as the world does it, for example doing intermittent fasting with goals to lose weight (if you do this as a lifestyle change, this is not wrong), but a true spiritual Christian faith based fast is when we abstain from foods for a time (in this case 21 days) and reading the Word of God is our meal replacement, along with prayer and worship. Fasting is our time of dedication and consecration to the Lord. A time where He exposes and brings deliverance to things we need to change and get rid of in our lives. It is a time of a closer drawing to the Lord, as He draws nearer to us.

During this fast, we will be taking A Journey through The Beatitudes. This journey will remind us how we are truly set apart from this world as God’s children and how we can level-up in being/becoming a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rightnow media app

Use the Rightnow Media app to continue to explore and discover more insight on what Jesus meant when He shared The Beatitudes and what it means to pray and fast.

pastor nate: The beatitudes & prayer

Download the 21 day fast outline