The Power of Intercessory Prayer
If you remember a couple of weeks ago, I had a meltdown because I couldn’t get my COVID vaccine so I could see my mother in another state. When I received my first vaccine, I immediately left for Minnesota. When I got there, I realized this was a profoundly serious situation. Of course, I called on prayer warriors from the north, south, east, and west whom I knew could intercede with seriousness. My mom was to have her leg removed due to a dangerous blot clot, but because of prayer her leg was saved.
Intercessory prayer is intervening, particularly through the act of praying to God, on behalf of another person or for yourself. I call intercessors ‘P.U.S.H. Warriors’ - Praying Until Something Happens. It is pressing into that request until you get that release in your spirit that the petition has been heard! You know, that you know, that you know without a shadow of a doubt the petition has reached the Throne Room of God. Push Warriors are not worried about time, place, or the food on the stove. They are dedicated to immediately and aggressively go into the presence of God when a need or request is made. And, believe me, there are times when it’s critical to call for serious intercessory warriors!
There are many examples of great intercessors in scripture: Abraham asked God not to destroy Sodom in order to save his nephew, Lot (Gen. 18:25); Moses intervened between God and Pharaoh as he tried to get permission for the people to leave Egypt (Exo. 8:8); Jesus admonished His disciple, Peter - Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail. And you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers (Luke 22:31-33). The Apostle Paul encourages every believer to be an intercessor. (I Tim. 2:1-4)
J. William Thompson says: “The Bible reveals that intercession is performed by the Holy Spirit, Christ, and Christians. Romans 8:26-27 shows that the Holy Spirit works to sustain the burdened believer, to intercede to carry even inexpressible prayers to God. Romans 8:34 offers the truth that the risen Christ will maintain His intercession for the believer, being the Mediator between God and humanity. God accepts a believers prayers and praises through Christs intercession. His death secured removal of sin; His resurrection bestowed life on those who believe in Him; His ascension brought exaltation to power in heaven and on earth. Now He intercedes for us at Gods throne of grace. Hebres 7:25 proclaims the complete deliverance that comes through salvation accomplished through Christ and notes that He is ever present in heaven to intercede for those who come to Him.”
Intercessory prayer is intervening, particularly through the act of praying to God, on behalf of another person or for yourself. I call intercessors ‘P.U.S.H. Warriors’ - Praying Until Something Happens. It is pressing into that request until you get that release in your spirit that the petition has been heard! You know, that you know, that you know without a shadow of a doubt the petition has reached the Throne Room of God. Push Warriors are not worried about time, place, or the food on the stove. They are dedicated to immediately and aggressively go into the presence of God when a need or request is made. And, believe me, there are times when it’s critical to call for serious intercessory warriors!
There are many examples of great intercessors in scripture: Abraham asked God not to destroy Sodom in order to save his nephew, Lot (Gen. 18:25); Moses intervened between God and Pharaoh as he tried to get permission for the people to leave Egypt (Exo. 8:8); Jesus admonished His disciple, Peter - Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail. And you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers (Luke 22:31-33). The Apostle Paul encourages every believer to be an intercessor. (I Tim. 2:1-4)
J. William Thompson says: “The Bible reveals that intercession is performed by the Holy Spirit, Christ, and Christians. Romans 8:26-27 shows that the Holy Spirit works to sustain the burdened believer, to intercede to carry even inexpressible prayers to God. Romans 8:34 offers the truth that the risen Christ will maintain His intercession for the believer, being the Mediator between God and humanity. God accepts a believers prayers and praises through Christs intercession. His death secured removal of sin; His resurrection bestowed life on those who believe in Him; His ascension brought exaltation to power in heaven and on earth. Now He intercedes for us at Gods throne of grace. Hebres 7:25 proclaims the complete deliverance that comes through salvation accomplished through Christ and notes that He is ever present in heaven to intercede for those who come to Him.”