Faith That Grows
Years ago, in the church I grew up in, I was in the choir. Different members were given a song to practice and sing whenever they were called upon. My song was “We’ve Come This Far by Faith” by Albert Goodson. I was so nervous I asked my pastor if he could assign someone else to lead that song. His response was, “No, since you are the youth leader it is important for you to lead by example.” That was my first time of being in front of people, and through the years it has definitely paid off. As I have grown in my relationship with God, I realized the meaning of that song, and it has taken me from victory to victory. Have I experienced challenging times? Yes, yet my heavenly Father has seen me through every challenge. Faith is built on the pillars of trusting God, assurance and obedience which requires relying on what we cannot see with our natural five senses, and confidence in God.
That season in my life was very necessary for my growth and development in Christ. As we observe spring approaching, it demonstrates that we are experiencing a change of seasons and climate. Seasons in our lives come and go, but the call of God on our lives never change.
Included on this journey called life we encounter choices, and we encounter two different types of people. One type are ‘vacuum people.’ They are the ones that, if possible, will eventually deplete you because of their continual needs. They have a hard time releasing themselves into the hands of God! Why? Because they struggle with the price-tag of spiritual growth in Christ. There is a second group of people that are ‘replenish people.’ Those people pour into your lives willingly. Replenish people are seekers for God’s best and are open to God’s call on their lives despite the price-tag. Replenish people embrace God’s promises, provision, and His concern for them.
The longer we are in relationship with the Father, the more we are to grow into His image. This is how our faith grows, by hearing and acting on God’s word. Whether we hear His voice internally or externally, our faith grows by seeing how God operates in our lives through answered prayers and turning adversities into victories. Our faith grows by standing on the Word of God, by trusting the Author and finisher of our Faith, by seeing the miracles that only God orchestrates in our lives. And, our faith grows as we are in active service for God!
Ultimately, the way we see God will determine the level of our faith. If we see a powerful, awesome, big God, our faith rises to that level. But if we see a God that is handicapped, or less than, then our faith will go no higher than what we see.
Prayer causes positive change. “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised). (Heb. 10:23 KJV) Complaining renders negative results. We are more than we think we are! Our measuring stick is short when we evaluate our natural skills and abilities, but when we look at what God is doing and wants to do in and through us our vision grows exponentially. Because we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13)
That season in my life was very necessary for my growth and development in Christ. As we observe spring approaching, it demonstrates that we are experiencing a change of seasons and climate. Seasons in our lives come and go, but the call of God on our lives never change.
Included on this journey called life we encounter choices, and we encounter two different types of people. One type are ‘vacuum people.’ They are the ones that, if possible, will eventually deplete you because of their continual needs. They have a hard time releasing themselves into the hands of God! Why? Because they struggle with the price-tag of spiritual growth in Christ. There is a second group of people that are ‘replenish people.’ Those people pour into your lives willingly. Replenish people are seekers for God’s best and are open to God’s call on their lives despite the price-tag. Replenish people embrace God’s promises, provision, and His concern for them.
The longer we are in relationship with the Father, the more we are to grow into His image. This is how our faith grows, by hearing and acting on God’s word. Whether we hear His voice internally or externally, our faith grows by seeing how God operates in our lives through answered prayers and turning adversities into victories. Our faith grows by standing on the Word of God, by trusting the Author and finisher of our Faith, by seeing the miracles that only God orchestrates in our lives. And, our faith grows as we are in active service for God!
Ultimately, the way we see God will determine the level of our faith. If we see a powerful, awesome, big God, our faith rises to that level. But if we see a God that is handicapped, or less than, then our faith will go no higher than what we see.
Prayer causes positive change. “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised). (Heb. 10:23 KJV) Complaining renders negative results. We are more than we think we are! Our measuring stick is short when we evaluate our natural skills and abilities, but when we look at what God is doing and wants to do in and through us our vision grows exponentially. Because we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13)