Motherhood envelops a wide range of being called a “mother.” According to the
dictionary, Motherhood is the state of being a mother, when one becomes a
mother. This most commonly happens when their child is born, but it can also
happen through adoption or by marrying or becoming a partner to someone with
children. Motherhood is a gender-specific version of the term parenthood and can
refer to all mothers collectively.
The Bible Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, 1998, by Varsity Christian
Fellowship/USA states motherhood as “the chief blessing for women all through
Scripture from the first events following the creation of Eve. It is the admonition to
be fruitful and multiply, along with the designation of Eve as the ‘mother of all
living.’" After the Fall, when Eve heard God's solemn prediction that she will bear
children in pain, she discovered the price of this creativity. The sweet-sour
experience of motherhood became woman's primary role in Old Testament culture.
A woman's ability to conceive and bear was considered her most powerful quality.
In the New Testament there is evidence that the baby’s growth period in the womb
was clearly understood. When John leapt in his mother’s womb at the visit of the
pregnant Mary, we even see evidence of response to God's presence by the unborn
child himself. Childbirth was managed by female relatives and neighbors, and
sometimes by midwives. This female ceremony was a source of strength and
community for women. The newborn child was bathed, rubbed with salt, and
wrapped in swathes of cloth (Luke 2:7). Shortly afterward, the women of the
neighborhood or the parents would name the child.
As I look at this blog, I think of biblical examples about the power of motherhood.
I think of the Proverbs 31 woman who not only cared for her home but was a
businesswoman as well. Deborah was a judge and military leader in the Old
Testament. She was called a “mother in Israel” (deliverer) because of her love and
care for the people. (2 Sam 20:19). Ruth, a Moabitess, was great-grandmother to
King David and mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus. (Ruth 4) Mary was a virgin
and God used her to birth baby Jesus into the world. (Luke 2:4)
There were also evil women who used their power to destroy and tear down,
leaving ruined generations of people. Jezebel, king Ahab’s wife, used her son to
continue her evil influence. (1 King 8:4) Her daughter, Athaliah, had her entire
family killed so she could take the throne. (2 Kings 11) Herodias, Salome’s
mother, used her daughter to ask for the head of John the Baptist. (Mark 6:17)
Of course, we do not need dictionaries to tell us about motherhood. A lot of things
come naturally through instinct, and there are other women and doctors to glean
from. The bottom line is that it is an honor and privilege to care for the life of
another regardless of how it came about. Whether the number of children be great
or small, every woman has the God-given opportunity to shape someone’s life for
generations to come.
dictionary, Motherhood is the state of being a mother, when one becomes a
mother. This most commonly happens when their child is born, but it can also
happen through adoption or by marrying or becoming a partner to someone with
children. Motherhood is a gender-specific version of the term parenthood and can
refer to all mothers collectively.
The Bible Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, 1998, by Varsity Christian
Fellowship/USA states motherhood as “the chief blessing for women all through
Scripture from the first events following the creation of Eve. It is the admonition to
be fruitful and multiply, along with the designation of Eve as the ‘mother of all
living.’" After the Fall, when Eve heard God's solemn prediction that she will bear
children in pain, she discovered the price of this creativity. The sweet-sour
experience of motherhood became woman's primary role in Old Testament culture.
A woman's ability to conceive and bear was considered her most powerful quality.
In the New Testament there is evidence that the baby’s growth period in the womb
was clearly understood. When John leapt in his mother’s womb at the visit of the
pregnant Mary, we even see evidence of response to God's presence by the unborn
child himself. Childbirth was managed by female relatives and neighbors, and
sometimes by midwives. This female ceremony was a source of strength and
community for women. The newborn child was bathed, rubbed with salt, and
wrapped in swathes of cloth (Luke 2:7). Shortly afterward, the women of the
neighborhood or the parents would name the child.
As I look at this blog, I think of biblical examples about the power of motherhood.
I think of the Proverbs 31 woman who not only cared for her home but was a
businesswoman as well. Deborah was a judge and military leader in the Old
Testament. She was called a “mother in Israel” (deliverer) because of her love and
care for the people. (2 Sam 20:19). Ruth, a Moabitess, was great-grandmother to
King David and mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus. (Ruth 4) Mary was a virgin
and God used her to birth baby Jesus into the world. (Luke 2:4)
There were also evil women who used their power to destroy and tear down,
leaving ruined generations of people. Jezebel, king Ahab’s wife, used her son to
continue her evil influence. (1 King 8:4) Her daughter, Athaliah, had her entire
family killed so she could take the throne. (2 Kings 11) Herodias, Salome’s
mother, used her daughter to ask for the head of John the Baptist. (Mark 6:17)
Of course, we do not need dictionaries to tell us about motherhood. A lot of things
come naturally through instinct, and there are other women and doctors to glean
from. The bottom line is that it is an honor and privilege to care for the life of
another regardless of how it came about. Whether the number of children be great
or small, every woman has the God-given opportunity to shape someone’s life for
generations to come.