The Power of Influence
The first Mother’s Day was established in 1907 by Ann Jarvis and was held at a
worship service in West Virginia. With that said, I have decided to celebrate
Mother’s Day the entire month of May. I believe mothers of all stages (from
biological to spiritual) deserve more than just one day of honor.
So, I honor the woman who birthed me into the world. My mother was nothing
more than a child herself at the age of fourteen when I was conceived. I never
knew my dad because my grandmother would not allow him to marry my mom
because he was eight years her senior. I am telling you this because no matter the
circumstances surrounding children who have come this world, we have a
responsibly to them, to have a positive influence in their lives.
All my life I have blueprinted my mother’s teaching and influence into my life.
She was my shining example of the true meaning of motherhood. She was a strong
mentor in my life, a devoted friend, and always showed me the power of truth,
whether I liked it or not. I could call my mother for anything, and I do mean
anything. She was both mom and dad and taught me the importance of making a
house into a home, clean and welcoming. She loved wallpaper and had me
matching flower wallpaper prints before I learned Algebra! (Never caught on to
that math, oh well.)
My mom had a true servant’s heart, and it was always on display. There were times
I would tell my mom to rest and let someone else serve the need and her response
would be, “What would Jesus do?” Case closed. And so, she has engrained that
into her children, me included. I say, “More is caught than taught.”
My brother and I paid for our mom’s grave marker so any and everyone would
know her resting place. Now understand we know that the minute she drew her last
breath that she joined the rest of the families who had transitioned before her. I
rejoice at the thought of our Heavenly Father saying to her; “Well done, good and
faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge
of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!” (Matt. 25:21 NIV)
We can learn so much from women in the Bible and in our lives. The following are
the lessons I learned, from my perspective:
Allow the Word of God to influence you into a fulfilling life as a mother and
woman of God.
worship service in West Virginia. With that said, I have decided to celebrate
Mother’s Day the entire month of May. I believe mothers of all stages (from
biological to spiritual) deserve more than just one day of honor.
So, I honor the woman who birthed me into the world. My mother was nothing
more than a child herself at the age of fourteen when I was conceived. I never
knew my dad because my grandmother would not allow him to marry my mom
because he was eight years her senior. I am telling you this because no matter the
circumstances surrounding children who have come this world, we have a
responsibly to them, to have a positive influence in their lives.
All my life I have blueprinted my mother’s teaching and influence into my life.
She was my shining example of the true meaning of motherhood. She was a strong
mentor in my life, a devoted friend, and always showed me the power of truth,
whether I liked it or not. I could call my mother for anything, and I do mean
anything. She was both mom and dad and taught me the importance of making a
house into a home, clean and welcoming. She loved wallpaper and had me
matching flower wallpaper prints before I learned Algebra! (Never caught on to
that math, oh well.)
My mom had a true servant’s heart, and it was always on display. There were times
I would tell my mom to rest and let someone else serve the need and her response
would be, “What would Jesus do?” Case closed. And so, she has engrained that
into her children, me included. I say, “More is caught than taught.”
My brother and I paid for our mom’s grave marker so any and everyone would
know her resting place. Now understand we know that the minute she drew her last
breath that she joined the rest of the families who had transitioned before her. I
rejoice at the thought of our Heavenly Father saying to her; “Well done, good and
faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge
of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!” (Matt. 25:21 NIV)
We can learn so much from women in the Bible and in our lives. The following are
the lessons I learned, from my perspective:
- Proverbs 31 Woman: Women can have a business and family with balance.
- Esther: God used Esther to save her nation from extermination. Even when
we can’t see it, God is working.
- Ruth: The Moabitess who married Boaz When in fear move forward
- Mary: The mother of Jesus. God can make good out of a bad situation,
remain faithful and obedient, have a listening ear.
- Hannah: Prophet Samuel’s mother. Take all your cares to the Lord,
intercession pays off.
- Manoah’s wife: Samson’s mother. You can put your petition to God more
than once.
- My mom: To her kids. Never render evil for evil, leave it in the hands of
your Faithful God. Just keep on living and doing the right thing; whatever is
right God will pay.
Allow the Word of God to influence you into a fulfilling life as a mother and
woman of God.