Let God Make a Way
I do not know about you, but when I am going into uncharted areas where I have never been before, I get a little uneasy. The reason is that I could get lost in a paper bag! I’m not like my sister and brother who have excellent inner navigational skills. You could drop them off in the middle of the dessert and they would probably beat you back to the starting point. So, without saying, I need my GPS (Global Positioning System).
As I think about it, every person needs some sort of navigation system as they journey through life’s different situations and circumstances. There are up hills, down hills, around the bend, through the many forks in life’s road, not to mention the ‘dead-end road’ signs, and - one sign I hate with a passion - ‘detour!’ At times through my frustration I beat on my steering wheel and say, “Lord, Lord, this was supposed to be easy. Why, why, can’t life’s road be smooth sailing? These mountains are hard to climb!”
I will tell you why. As Christ-followers we have not been promised the comfortable road, and we have never been promised smooth sailing before we reach our destiny called Heaven. He never told me I could get to Heaven without discomfort, pain, some sorrow, some rejection, and feeling lost sometimes because I do not know what to do next. What makes the journey worse is being misunderstood by those who I thought knew me better! At the end of the day we must cling closer to God for direction and allow Him to be our validation. God is our perfect GPS (God’s Promises Stand).
When we cannot find our way out Jesus promises to open the door. Just like He opened the Red Sea for the children of Israel, He will open channels for you if you continue to believe despite what you see with your natural sight. God has promised strength for day, rest for the labor, light for the way, grace for the trials, and help from above.
God’s Promises Stand through His Word and will give direction despite the terrain!
“The Lord is my Strength and my Song, and He has become my Salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my fathers God, and I will exalt Him.” (Exodus 15:2 AMP)
“God is my strong Fortress; He guides the blameless in His way and sets him free.” (2 Samuel 22:33 AMP)
“In all your ways know, and acknowledge, and recognize Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth.” (Proverbs 3:6 AMP)
Without God we would be as a ship floating in a tempest (thunderstorm) without a sail. So, acknowledge Him in all that you undertake. Trust God’s power, wisdom, goodness, and His righteousness. You will not be disappointed in the confidence you gain as you consult Him in all things. He will guide you to all holiness and all happiness.
As I think about it, every person needs some sort of navigation system as they journey through life’s different situations and circumstances. There are up hills, down hills, around the bend, through the many forks in life’s road, not to mention the ‘dead-end road’ signs, and - one sign I hate with a passion - ‘detour!’ At times through my frustration I beat on my steering wheel and say, “Lord, Lord, this was supposed to be easy. Why, why, can’t life’s road be smooth sailing? These mountains are hard to climb!”
I will tell you why. As Christ-followers we have not been promised the comfortable road, and we have never been promised smooth sailing before we reach our destiny called Heaven. He never told me I could get to Heaven without discomfort, pain, some sorrow, some rejection, and feeling lost sometimes because I do not know what to do next. What makes the journey worse is being misunderstood by those who I thought knew me better! At the end of the day we must cling closer to God for direction and allow Him to be our validation. God is our perfect GPS (God’s Promises Stand).
When we cannot find our way out Jesus promises to open the door. Just like He opened the Red Sea for the children of Israel, He will open channels for you if you continue to believe despite what you see with your natural sight. God has promised strength for day, rest for the labor, light for the way, grace for the trials, and help from above.
God’s Promises Stand through His Word and will give direction despite the terrain!
“The Lord is my Strength and my Song, and He has become my Salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my fathers God, and I will exalt Him.” (Exodus 15:2 AMP)
“God is my strong Fortress; He guides the blameless in His way and sets him free.” (2 Samuel 22:33 AMP)
“In all your ways know, and acknowledge, and recognize Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth.” (Proverbs 3:6 AMP)
Without God we would be as a ship floating in a tempest (thunderstorm) without a sail. So, acknowledge Him in all that you undertake. Trust God’s power, wisdom, goodness, and His righteousness. You will not be disappointed in the confidence you gain as you consult Him in all things. He will guide you to all holiness and all happiness.