Keep Walking Forward
My mom always said, “Do right and let God take care of the rest.” God never called us to fight our battles in the name of revenge. Sometimes we would like to see how God will deal with those who do us wrong, but we must maintain the right attitude, to keep walking forward in faith and let God lead.
A while back, my husband, mom, and I visited a church in Tacoma where I saw a huge banner that read, “WWJD.” My mom and hubby had a shocking expression on their faces when I asked what it meant. (I realized that I had asked the unthinkable question. LOL). So, I racked my brain and came up with the answer, “WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?” I use this example because it tells us who to look to when we don’t know the direction to go. We want to see God move on our behalf.
“God doesn't miss anything. He knows perfectly well all the love you've shown him by helping needy Christians, and that you keep at it. And now I want each of you to extend that same intensity toward a full-bodied hope and keep at it till the finish” (Heb 6:10-11Message Bible).
God is in Heaven waiting to be good to you and me. HE is a God of mercy and justice, not of anger and punishment. HE wants to balance out the scales of our lives, to make up for all the hurts and wounds we have suffered—no matter what they may be. “Look, I've written your names on the backs of my hands. The walls you're rebuilding are never out of my sight” (Isa 49:16).
Whatever your present situation or past experience, God wants to be good to you! He has a good plan for your life. Just keep walking forward. “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’” (Isa 30:21 NIV).
A while back, my husband, mom, and I visited a church in Tacoma where I saw a huge banner that read, “WWJD.” My mom and hubby had a shocking expression on their faces when I asked what it meant. (I realized that I had asked the unthinkable question. LOL). So, I racked my brain and came up with the answer, “WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?” I use this example because it tells us who to look to when we don’t know the direction to go. We want to see God move on our behalf.
“God doesn't miss anything. He knows perfectly well all the love you've shown him by helping needy Christians, and that you keep at it. And now I want each of you to extend that same intensity toward a full-bodied hope and keep at it till the finish” (Heb 6:10-11Message Bible).
God is in Heaven waiting to be good to you and me. HE is a God of mercy and justice, not of anger and punishment. HE wants to balance out the scales of our lives, to make up for all the hurts and wounds we have suffered—no matter what they may be. “Look, I've written your names on the backs of my hands. The walls you're rebuilding are never out of my sight” (Isa 49:16).
Whatever your present situation or past experience, God wants to be good to you! He has a good plan for your life. Just keep walking forward. “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’” (Isa 30:21 NIV).