Due to Covid-19 and the announcement from our government officials, all church service gatherings will be postponed till a later date.

Prayer Is Critical

Is your prayer life effective? Are you actually interceding for others according to the will of our Father? Do we even sit with Him and take the time to know what His will is for ourselves and others? As I pray for you, please read this short devotion; it surely gave me food for thought, and a heart and mind adjustment.

Are we worshipping when we pray, lifting our minds up to know God’s thoughts? Are we living in a holy relationship to Him? Or are we hard and dogmatic? “He was appalled that there was no one to intervene” (Isaiah 59:16). If there is no one, do the job yourself. Become the one who worships God and lives in holy relationship to Him. Commit to the hard work of intervening in prayer on others’ behalf, and remember that it is, truly, work. But it is work that will sustain you, as the Lord’s “own righteousness sustained him” (v. 16).