Happy Mother’s Day
on May 14th, 2023
Mother’s Day 2023 is here! My mother has gone to heaven and is rejoicing with allthe family who preceded her. Despite that, I still often think of her. I have knownand was brought up by only one mother; however, it is of great importance to me topoint out that being a mother is more than biological. Our society would be inworse condition if the step/adoptive mothers have not answered the call to r... Read More
Words Carelessly Used Part 2
on May 7th, 2023
I remember an incident on the day Nate and I were married. We were allcelebrating and laughing when my four-year-old sister asked, “Is Gail coming backhome?” A family member answered her, “No, she’s never coming home again.”My mom told me that my sister cried herself to sleep for several nights after that.You see, my younger sister slept in my bed with me because it was alwayscomforting for her to... Read More
Words Carelessly Used Part 1
on April 30th, 2023
I’m sure all of us have used the term, “good grief”, to denote something that iseither good or stressful. I have used that word repeatedly with no thought of its truemeaning. To me it was like a slang denoting something that was affecting me/usmentally or emotionally but never associated the word with physical death. Severalof our friends have died in the past six months, both in Washington and ou... Read More
Friends In Our Lives Part 2
on April 23rd, 2023
Resurrection Sunday is always a beautiful time for me to reflect with my friends onthe price my Lord and Savior paid for me. Jesus voluntarily gave His life on thecross for our sins, then rose again, proving to us that God accepted His blood tocleanse us from all our sins - past, present, and future. So, why would we want tothink about all the negativities in our lives when the price has been paid... Read More
Friends in Our Lives Part 1
on April 16th, 2023
This past Sunday I had a wonderful time not only celebrating our risen Savior, but also celebrating my friends and church family. It means a lot to me to have friends and celebrate important events in their lives: job promotions, new homes, marriage, and the list goes on. But, even better, is when my friends celebrate Jesus with me.It is so important to have friends who are walking in the same dir... Read More
Determined to Change the Story
on March 26th, 2023
March has been designated as Women’s History Month. It started in 1978 when aschool district in California wanted to celebrate women’s contributions to culture,history, and society. Other schools caught on and for a week, presentations weregiven at schools, students participated in “Real Woman” essay contests, and aparade was held. In 1980, Jimmy Carter declared the week of March 8 asNational Wome... Read More