Telling Truth in 2022
on January 16th, 2022
With the beginning of a new year many are making resolutions. They may range from exercising to more prayer and fasting time, and the list goes on. In all your resolutions take time to evaluate relationships. There will be times you may need to walk away from an unhealthy relationship that is harming your life in order to invite a new healthy relationship that will enhance your life. On the other ... Read More
Happy New Year 2022
on January 9th, 2022
This is the year of new beginnings! We cannot undo the past, but we can decide to change how we do things now. If we continue in the old ways, we will surely get the same results over and over again. It is like being on a Ferris wheel and the only ones who can get off the ongoing cycle is ourselves. With our determination and God’s help we can make a change. I took someone to the hospital the othe... Read More
A Savior Is Born
on December 26th, 2021
With all the decorating, baking, shopping, and holiday festivities, I sometimes feel overwhelmed in preparation for the Christmas season. And yet, my heart sings because of the birth of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who came to earth as a bearer for all of mankind’s sins. I continually rejoice because, in accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I will see Heaven and my loved ones. But until than... Read More
Being Thankful
on November 28th, 2021
As I was preparing a Thanksgiving feast at our home, I couldn’t help but think about everything that happened in 2021. Yes, there have been several deaths in our family and the year hasn’t been exactly easy, but one thing I’m thankful for is the fact that my husband and I are still here. My mind goes back to our son Stephen who was a special-needs child with numerous health issues. He taught me ho... Read More
Fear is a Destiny-Killer Part 2
on November 21st, 2021
King Saul was anointed and appointed by God. He could’ve had a legacy of being a successful king over Israel. Saul’s legacy was that he gave up what God gave him. He could’ve ruled in King David’s place, but he gave it up. Giving up is a result of fear and insecurity, and it was that fear and insecurity that caused him to hide when he should’ve been stepping up. Samuel anointed Saul to be king in ... Read More
Fear is a Destiny-Killer Part 1
on November 14th, 2021
I love Old Testament stories. They are very interesting because they are so relatable for our modern times. For example, King Saul was a man called of God, anointed, and the first king over God’s people, the Israelites. But fear caused him to lose His God ordained legacy. 1 Sam. 13:5-12 (NIV): “The Philistines assembled to fight Israel with three thousand chariots, six thousand charioteers, and so... Read More