on May 6th, 2021
As I was watching the news this evening my heart was grieved about a teenager who was so consumed with anger that she tried to stab two other teenagers. Perhaps I should not even write about the incident because it’s not light weight, but this young lady was out of control. Unfortunately, her violent behavior resulted in her untimely death. It seems like our society has become a pressure cooker of... Read More
Words Have Power
on April 15th, 2021
Yes, Easter has passed but not the effectiveness of its impact on the lives of many. Just think, whatever pain you may have experienced on the road of life Jesus understands. One of the last words He spoke was, “I am with you always.” (Mat. 28:20). That simple word brings such hope and comfort! And so it is with us. As our lives takes us in many directions, how we interact with others says a lot a... Read More
Marriage Can Work
on April 7th, 2021
After being married for fifty-four years, people often ask me what our secret is for a marriage that has longevity such as ours. It causes me to ponder on that question. My response off the top of my head would be communication, commitment, and caring about the other person’s feelings. For sure, we have had our share of ups and downs as most couples do; however, the option of divorce was never on ... Read More
Ambassadors for Christ
on April 1st, 2021
An ambassador is the Presidents highest-ranking representative to a specific nation or international organization. A key role of an ambassador is to coordinate the activities of the Foreign Service Officers and staff serving under him, and of the representatives of other U.S. agencies in that country. It is also not uncommon to hear on the news that a country has called their ambassadors back home... Read More
Faith That Grows
on March 25th, 2021
Years ago, in the church I grew up in, I was in the choir. Different members were given a song to practice and sing whenever they were called upon. My song was “We’ve Come This Far by Faith” by Albert Goodson. I was so nervous I asked my pastor if he could assign someone else to lead that song. His response was, “No, since you are the youth leader it is important for you to lead by example.” That ... Read More
The Power of Intercessory Prayer
on March 18th, 2021
If you remember a couple of weeks ago, I had a meltdown because I couldn’t get my COVID vaccine so I could see my mother in another state. When I received my first vaccine, I immediately left for Minnesota. When I got there, I realized this was a profoundly serious situation. Of course, I called on prayer warriors from the north, south, east, and west whom I knew could intercede with seriousness. ... Read More