Due to Covid-19 and the announcement from our government officials, all church service gatherings will be postponed till a later date.
Life is Fragile
on June 12th, 2022
Currently, I have three dear friends who are dealing with cancer. I believe the mainthing that is strengthening them is prayers of the saints. Friends, your prayersmatter. You may not see instant results, but that doesn’t mean that God is notmoving. The only thing that can calm the rushing waters of life is prayer.Oftentimes, we wonder why is this happening to these sincere, God-fearing saints?I a...  Read More
God Packaged You with Skills and Talent
on June 5th, 2022
Many times, when I listen to singer, I say to myself, “Wow, if I could sing likethat!” I never was a person to covet someone else’s gifting, but that does not stopme from admiring their giftings and talent. However, getting wrapped up in beingthem robs you of yourself, and those around you are denied the privilege of seeingwho you really are and benefiting from your unique gifting and talents. Wan...  Read More
God Packaged a Woman with Skills
on May 22nd, 2022
In my last blog I said I was going to dedicate May as ‘Mother’s Month.’ The reason is that, in actuality, Mother’s Day is every day. When I preached on Mother’s Day, I especially made a point to incorporate all women. Every woman is packaged with unique skills given only from God. One of those skills is the heart to love and care. “A kindhearted woman gains honor.” (Prov. 11:16) The Bible speaks h...  Read More
The Power of Influence
on May 15th, 2022
The first Mother’s Day was established in 1907 by Ann Jarvis and was held at aworship service in West Virginia. With that said, I have decided to celebrateMother’s Day the entire month of May. I believe mothers of all stages (frombiological to spiritual) deserve more than just one day of honor.So, I honor the woman who birthed me into the world. My mother was nothingmore than a child herself at th...  Read More
on May 8th, 2022
Motherhood envelops a wide range of being called a “mother.” According to thedictionary, Motherhood is the state of being a mother, when one becomes amother. This most commonly happens when their child is born, but it can alsohappen through adoption or by marrying or becoming a partner to someone withchildren. Motherhood is a gender-specific version of the term parenthood and canrefer to all mothe...  Read More
Run Away Thoughts
on May 1st, 2022
I have a beautiful Pomeranian puppy named Bentley. In training him, I expectsome accidents, and I can deal with that. However, Bentley loves to control hisenvironment and do his business everywhere he likes without restrictions. Thisincluded non-compliance to the potty paper. Of course, that mindset of his was notgoing to work in our house. I knew immediately that we needed to get him intoobedienc...  Read More

