Due to Covid-19 and the announcement from our government officials, all church service gatherings will be postponed till a later date.
The Many-Breasted One – Part 2
on March 13th, 2022
In Isaiah 49:15, the Lord uses breast feeding as a reminder of His love andcompassion for His people: “Can a woman forget her nursing child, And have nocompassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forgetyou” God is clearly showing us that He cannot be put in a box or the same capacityas people. As the human baby starts out as the most helpless of creatures and themother...  Read More
The Many-Breasted One Part 1
on February 27th, 2022
When we had our children, I always breast-fed them for a few months in order togive them the nutrients they needed as newborns. I would be incorrect if I said itwas not painful at first! Even though I had challenges, I soon learned the art ofbreastfeeding. Praise God, I made it through all four of our boys! Why am I tellingyou this? Glad you asked (smiles). One of our members just has a precious n...  Read More
Persistent Prayer Part 2
on February 20th, 2022
 In the Gospel According to Luke, Jesus told a parable about a widow who asked an unjust judge for justice. This woman wearied this unjust judge until she got her need met. This parable teaches us that this judge feared neither God nor man, but it was this woman’s persistence that caused him to respond to her. This is the point Jesus was making – to be persistent in prayer. Christ spoke with this ...  Read More
Persistent Prayer Part 1
on February 13th, 2022
When I was a small child, my mother taught me a bedtime prayer that I said everynight. It was like a ritual prayer because I didn’t know any other way: “Now I layme down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, Ipray the Lord my soul to take. Lord, bless my mom, my siblings, my grandma, andLord bless our church family. Amen.” I even taught my siblings that prayer. ...  Read More
Kindness Matters
on February 6th, 2022
As we were raising our children, we continually stressed to them to show kindnessto other people. When we lived in Minneapolis, we had an open-door policy withthe kids in the neighborhood: “There is always room for one more at the table.” Ofcourse, I never verbalized it, but the kids knew our home was a safe place and sodid their parents. I have said to my kids since they were small, “Being kind n...  Read More
All Creation is God's Doing
on January 30th, 2022
This morning I had some things that I needed to get off my chest. Which is a termthat means some things were really bothering me. Only God could do what neededto be done but the interesting thing was God was giving me solutions that I neverthought of. That’s just like God; when you talk to Him he really talks back. That iswhat prayer is, a two-way private conversation between God and yourself.I lo...  Read More

