Due to Covid-19 and the announcement from our government officials, all church service gatherings will be postponed till a later date.
God is Our Counselor and Comforter
on December 15th, 2024
We can take great solace and consolation in times of distress or sadness. It seems like during the holiday season we hear more of tragedies in families, senseless murders on the streets, and the list goes on. When I hear of all the craziness that is going on I think to myself, ‘There goes a family who won’t see their loved one walk through the door tonight.’ In all of this I am reminded of what th...  Read More
Ending 2024 with Praise
on December 8th, 2024
Oftentimes we complain about what is not going well on our behalf and all the things that we are unhappy about. We are a nation of complainers. Someone once said, “Take your complaints to the Lord on your knees.” Sometimes, it’s easier to complain than pray. Prayer takes the attention off you and places it on someone else or something else. For example, I have a family member who requires serious ...  Read More
A Psalm of Thanksgiving
on December 1st, 2024
Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to gather and hopefully enjoy good food, good conservation, and a good atmosphere in whatever home they have assembled. It’s a time we set aside our busy schedule to build precious memories of being in one another’s company. It would be a shame to allow old hurts and grudges to hinder time together. GRUDGES are a persistent feeling of ill will or resen...  Read More
Take Control of How You Think, Part 1
on November 24th, 2024
We had a very stimulating Bible study this week about what we think and how to consider what we think. The Devil doesn’t care what runs through our minds as long as it’s not power worthy. We can spend the whole day daydreaming about junk, then go to bed and think about the same thing the next day. We feed our minds junk just like the fast food we consume. The Devil doesn’t want our minds to wake u...  Read More
What Would Jesus Do?
on November 17th, 2024
One brisk afternoon in Seattle, I went to a local restaurant to grab a quick bite to eat. Before I exited from my vehicle, I notice a stubby man coming around the corner of the restaurant. He appeared in desperate need of hygiene care from head to toe and I thought to myself, ‘another beggar on the street.’ I sat in my car for a moment and a scripture came to me. “’For I was hungry and you gave me...  Read More
Maturing in Christ
on November 3rd, 2024
Maturing is vitally important to every aspect of our life. We measure maturity in many ways. We measure physical maturity by increasing in height and weight until we have reached the end of our growth stage. We look back on our past and see the person we used to be and compare that person to who we are now - whether being good, not so bad, or indifferent. One way that we can tell that we are matur...  Read More

